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学名:Carcelina shangfangshanica
♂Body black in ground color, covered with yellow polinose. Antenna: first flagellomere brownish black, about 2. 5 times as long as pedicel, pedicel dirty yellow, epaulet, basicosta frontalvitta, humeral callus and tarsi black, palpi, scutellum and facial ridge yellow, tibiae and femora brownish black, 3rd and 4th abdominal tergites with bright black margins, lower calipter yellowish white. Frons 1/2 of eye width, parafacial bare, covered with greyish white polinose at the middle as wide as width of the first flagellomere. Claws of fore leg as long as the 5th tarsomere, fore tibia with 2 posterior bristles, mid tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 1 ventral, 2 posterior bristles, hind coxa bare on posterior margin. Body length 12mm.